Our services

Here is the same information formatted properly as a text-based table:

| Service Name          | Description                                                                                                    | Price   |
| App Testing           | - Comprehensive functionality and performance testing.                                                        | $50     |
|                       | - Usability and user experience (UX) assessments.                                                             |         |
|                       | - Reports include bug fixes and feature enhancement suggestions.                                              |         |
| App Review            | - Publish reviews on 10+ major platforms.                                                                     | $50     |
|                       | - Includes screenshots, video reviews, and ratings.                                                          |         |
|                       | - Improves app credibility and installs organically.                                                          |         |
| App Promotion         | - Custom marketing strategy for app visibility.                                                               | $50     |
|                       | - Social media campaigns, banner ads, and influencer marketing.                                               |         |
|                       | - WhatsApp and email marketing included for app outreach.                                                     |         |
| App Audit & Report    | - Comprehensive analysis of app performance metrics.                                                          | $50     |
|                       | - Recommendations to optimize speed, usability, and SEO.                                                     |         |
|                       | - Highlight security vulnerabilities and performance bottlenecks.                                             |         |
| Trust Badge           | - Exclusive “Tested and Trusted by App Rater” badge.                                                         | $50     |
|                       | - Auto-embed code to showcase trustworthiness on app pages.                                                   |         |
|                       | - Improves app authority and instills user confidence.                                                        |         |